Requirements to Run the Panel

  • PHP 5.6 or Above (7.4 Recommended)
  • Ubuntu 16 or Above (20 Recommended)
  • MySQL Server 5.7 or Above (8 Recommended)
  • PHP Loaders: ionCube 10, phpBolt must be installed.

That's all for running the software.

Steps to Install

Install the Required Loaders :

  1. After Purchasing the License, Request the Ubuntu Dependencies and Requirements Installer file.
  2. Extract the file to your PC.
  3. Upload the file ( to your server to any directory, for example
  4. Give the file the right permissions to be able to be executed, chmod +x /root/
  5. Execute the file using the command: /root/./
  6. Once you see the successful message, you can proceed to install the panel files.

Once the Required Loaders Installed, Continue with the steps below to Install the Panel:

  1. Download the Li0N Panel files from the link you got in email.
  2. Unzip Panel Files to your PC.
  3. Upload the Files to your server to the Path: /var/www/html/panel (Or Anything you want)
  4. Go ahead and browse the installer link: (http://hostname/panel/install.php)
  5. Fill in the database information to complete Installation, Note that the Database will be created automatically, You'll need to fill in the MySQL user & password.
  6. After clicking the install button if everything was OK you will see a success message.
  7. Visit the Login Page, the Panel will ask you to enter your license code, Enter your license code that you received in Email and click Activate.
  8. Congratulations, the Panel is Now Installed and Ready to use.

Get Start With Li0n Panel

By using our product, The Li0n Panel will assure you a long term of support and service continuity since we will be supporting this panel as much as possible.
We will make sure it has the most needed and useful features, New ideas may be available in the future versions.

If you had any suggestion or idea for this panel, don't hesitate to contact us and provide us with further details, all ideas are mostly welcomed.


Have an idea, Suggestion, or a Complain?

You can easily reach us for any suggestions or complains or reporting bugs or any other quiries. All you have to do is to visit our contact page.